Daniel Guest
Postdoc working in Laurel Carney's lab at the University of Rochester. My current research focuses on building computational models of the auditory periphery and subcortex and applying them to better understand human auditory behavior, such as detection of complex sounds in noise. My interests intersect auditory psychophysics, physiology, and computational modeling. I am an advocate for high-quality and open scientific code; I program to varying degrees in Julia, MATLAB, Python, R, and C. Contact me here. Full CV
ZilanyBruceCarney2014.jl Julia bindings for Zilany, Bruce, and Carney (2014) auditory-nerve model C code
PyZBC2014 Python 3 wrapper for the Zilany, Bruce, Carney (2014) auditory-nerve model
AuditorySignalUtils.jl Simple utilities for auditory signal processing in Julia
Klatt.jl Subset of Klatt (1980) vowel synthesis in Julia
NIDCD F32 (DC022143) | 2024–2027
Modeling the effects of binaural midbrain coding and efferent gain control on the perception of complex sounds
NIDCD F31 (DC019247) | 2020–2022
Processing of complex sounds at high frequencies
Guest, Allen, Kay, and Arcaro (preprint, in prep) Hierarchical processing of natural scenes in the human pulvinar
Graves, Guest, and Mehta (preprint, in prep) Multiple pitch perception with rate-place metamers
Guest, Cameron, Schwarz, Leong, Richards, and Carney (2024) Profile analysis in listeners with elevated audiometric thresholds: Behavioral and modeling results
Guest and Carney (2024) A fast and accurate approximation of power-law adaptation for auditory computational models (L)
Guest, Rajappa, and Oxenham (2024) Limitations in human auditory spectral analysis at high frequencies
Rajappa, Guest, and Oxenham (2023) Benefits of harmonicity for hearing in noise are limited to detection and pitch-related discrimination tasks
Guest and Oxenham (2022) Human discrimination and modeling of high-frequency complex tones shed light on the neural codes for pitch
Kapolowicz, Guest, Montazeri, Baese-Berk, and Assmann (2021) Effects of spectral envelope and fundamental frequency shifts on the perception of foreign-accented speech
Guest and Oxenham (2019) The role of pitch and harmonic cancellation when listening to speech in harmonic background sounds
Intro to Neuroengineering (BME 218, Rochester), guest lecture on "Signal detection theory" and guest lecture on "Auditory-nerve computational modeling"
Intro to Biological Psychology (PSY 3061, Minnesota), guest lecture on "Audition"
Normal and Abnormal Perception: How Senses Shape Experience (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute), guest lecture on "The science of hearing loss"
Guest, Farhadi, and Carney (2024) Simulating the effects of contralateral acoustic stimulation using an auditory efferent model
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